James 3:17-18: But the wisdom that comes from heaven

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.

James 3:17-18 NIV

When we walk intimately with the Lord we are filled with His wisdom in all things.  As we grow in our relationship with the Lord and we continue to abide and draw near daily we come to understand and discern the leading of the Holy Spirit.  As we recognize the leading the Holy Spirit we are lead and guided into all truth.

The Lord desires to touch and impact every area of our lives.  No matter how big or small the decision is, as we trust the leading of the Holy Spirit the Lord will cover us with His favor and with His peace.  We will be able to see beyond the natural realm and the limitations of this world and we will be able to make decisions based on an eternal perspective.

One of the biggest differences that takes place in our lives as we grow in Christ is that we no longer look at things from a limited or temporal perspective.  Before we come to Christ our minds and hearts are set upon the desires of this world.  We only know the limits of time that we live in and the natural realm around us.  But as we grow in Christ our eyes are open to the deeper things of the Spirit and we are able to see beyond today and simply have our hearts on Heaven above.  Continue to abide and draw near.  The Lord will strengthen and encourage you for the journey.

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