But mercy and truth belong to those who devise good

Do they not go astray who devise evil? But mercy and truth belong to those who devise good.

Proverbs 14:22 NKJV

In this life we reap what we sow.  If we sow to wickedness, we will reap wickedness in our lives.  If we sow into God’s kingdom, we will reap the goodness of the Lord in our lives.  This doesn’t mean that we will not face suffering and trials in this life, because if we are truly following Jesus as He has called us to follow Him we will indeed face suffering and trials in this life.

But the decisions and choices we make on a daily basis carry with them consequences.  Consequences are not always negative.  A consequence is simply the actions that follows a previous action.  An example of this is if we get involved in looking at pornography.  At first it is very appealing to our sinful nature and as we indulge in it more and more it begins to grip our lives where if we fail to repent will destroy us and those around us in the end.

Another example is if we begin to develop a disciplined prayer life and devotional life.  As we study God’s word each day and seek the face of the Lord, we are transformed from the inside out and the fruit of the Holy Spirit develops in our lives.  As the fruit of the Holy Spirit develops and we mature, we are entrusted with more in God’s kingdom.

Things in life do not happen by accident.  Everything that takes place in our lives is based upon decisions we make on a daily basis.  This is why an initial decision to follow Jesus is only the beginning.  Daily we are faced with the decision to continue to follow Christ or abandon the faith.  The sad truth is there have been some who have abandoned the faith.

The key for us in this life is abiding in Him and seeking Him daily.  We are called to take it one step at a time and the Lord shall provide all that we need for each day that we are faced with.  We need to stop worrying about tomorrow and looking beyond today.  As we seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, He will provide all that we need.  He will lead and guide us in all things.

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