Joshua 24:14-15

14 “Now, therefore, fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and in truth; remove the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the [Euphrates] River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord15 If it is unacceptable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you live; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”  Joshua 24:14-15

Joshua speaks these words to the Israelites as he comes to the end of his time upon the earth.  The gauntlet has been laid down.  The people of Israel have a choice.  They can choose to serve the Living God and live according to His law, or they can reject the Lord and choose the false gods of the surrounding nations.

If Israel chooses to serve the Lord they will find incredible blessing.  Throughout Israel’s history whenever they walked in obedience and honored the Lord in their lives they experienced incredible blessing and victory.  But when Israel chose to reject the Lord and His ways and chase after the false gods of the surrounding nations they faced defeat and the curses God laid out in Deuteronomy chapter 28.

Each day we have a choice.  We can choose to surrender our heart and life to Jesus Christ and live for Him, or we can reject Him and live for ourselves.  If we desire to experience and walk in all that God has planned for us then it requires us to live a life surrender to Jesus Christ.  This is only possible as we abide in Him and rely fully upon the power of the Holy Spirit.

But if we choose to live for ourselves it only leads to destruction.  Our selfish desires may seem appealing initially, but the longer we stay in that place of simply fulfilling the lust of the flesh, the more it impacts us and leads us to destruction.  A decision to follow Christ is a decision to walk with Him daily.  Today humble your heart before Him and seek His will for your life.  His will is the perfect plan for our lives.

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